Six Standing Yoga Asanas for Beginners

'Yoga' embraces a combination of physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), meditation, and ethical principles. Yoga aims to achieve physical and mental well-being, inner peace, and spiritual insight. This ancient practice of holistic well-being offers numerous types of yoga poses or asanas when it comes to yoga for beginners and daily practice.

Some asanas are the perfect way to start your mornings if you are a beginner looking to indulge in yoga. These have been identified as beginner friendly and can be quickly done by yourself or under the guidance of a yoga practitioner or trainer. Here are the six basic yoga poses to practice in the following positions.

1. Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose) - 'Virabhadrasana' is an asana that involves standing in a lunge position with one leg forward and the other leg back while the arms get extended overhead. 'Virabhadrasana' increases stamina, strengthens arms, and brings courage and grace. It is an excellent yoga pose for those in seated jobs. It is also very beneficial in the case of frozen shoulders. Individuals with recent or chronic injury to the knees, legs, hips, or back, high or low blood pressure, and heart problems should avoid practicing this asana.

2. Ardha Chakrasana (Standing Backward Bend Pose) - It involves balancing on one hand while extending the other arm and leg, creating an arc shape with the body. It stretches the front upper torso and tones the arms and shoulder muscles. Individuals with recent or chronic injury to the arms, wrists, shoulder, neck, back, or hips or any medical conditions that make inversion or balancing poses challenging should avoid practicing 'Ardha Chakrasana.'

3. Vrikshasana (Tree Pose) - 'Vrikshasana' strengthens the legs and improves balance and stability. In this pose, one foot is rooted to the ground while the other is placed on the thigh of the standing leg, resembling a tree trunk. The arms get usually raised overhead to complete the pose. 'Vrikshasana' is an excellent yoga pose to increase focus. It makes the legs strong, improves balance, and opens the hip. It also helps those suffering from sciatica, a pain that travels from the pelvic region through the hips and thighs. Individuals with knee, ankle, or hip injuries or those who suffer from high blood pressure or vertigo should avoid practicing this asana.

4. Utkatasana (Chair Pose) - One of the yoga poses for beginners, Utkatasana or Chair Pose, is a strengthening yoga posture that targets the legs, back, and core muscles. The knees are bent, and the hips get lowered as if sitting in an imaginary chair in this pose with the arms raised overhead to complete it. It strengthens the lower back and torso, balances the body, and helps develop willpower. Individuals with knee injuries, ankle injuries, or any lower back issues should avoid practicing this asana.

5. Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose) - 'Hastapadasana,' also known as Standing Forward Bend Pose, is one of the basic poses in yoga for beginners that involves a forward bend of the torso and legs. It invigorates the nervous system, makes the spine supple, and stretches all the back muscles. People with recent or chronic back, neck, or leg injuries or severe spinal conditions should avoid practicing 'Hastapadasana.'

6. Katichakrasana (Standing Spinal Twist Pose) - It helps to stretch and twist the spine, hips, and waist. This yoga pose helps relieve constipation and strengthen the spine, neck, and shoulders. It is incredibly beneficial for people with deskbound jobs. People with hernia or spinal conditions, knee injuries, high blood pressure, or heart conditions should avoid practicing 'Katichakrasana.'